Villion Wines

Villion Family Wines was founded by Kobie and Elnette Viljoen and named after Kobie’s descendent  Francois Villion, the first French Huguenot to settle in the Cape of Good Hope in 1671. When you meet Kobie and Elnette it is clear to see that family is the most important motivator in their lives.  Villion Family Wines is their way of creating a legacy for their beautiful young family.Kobie has more than 20 years’ experience working in the wine industry at producers such as Spier and Gabrielskloof, to mention just a few. He left Gabrielskloof in 2014 and decided the time was right to create his own wine and Villion Family Wines was established.In 2017 their wines found a home at Barton Vineyards where they renovated the cellar and have been producing their wines ever since. They recently launched six new Lifestyle wines under the label, Die See Rowers – a fun and quirky alternative to their premium wines.

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Villion Family Wines is run by a great husband and wife team with Kobie making the wine and Elnette dealing with the marketing and financial side of the business.

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Villion Family Wines is located in Bot River. Kobie sources grapes from a number of different wards, believing that by using specially selected vineyards their individual strengths can contribute to creating unique and special wines.

Villion Wines

  • Product categories

Showing 1–8 of 10 results

  • Die Seerowers Ben Bullebak Merlot

  • Die Seerowers Jo Vabond Chenin Blanc

  • Die Seerowers Kaptein Karnuffel Cabernet Sauvignon

  • Die Seerowers Rosa Rabbedoe Rose

  • Die Seerowers Sarel Seemonster Sauvignon Blanc

  • Die Seerowers Zak Skobbejak Shiraz

  • Mixed Case Die See Rowers

  • Villion Blanc de l’Atlantique

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